Radically empowered support for all.

I provide a comprehensive range of services including full spectrum doula support, personalized placenta packages, postpartum doula support, elderly caregiver support, birthingway celebrations with and additional offerings such as belly casting, yoni steaming, energetic breathwork, and aromatherapy, as well as compassionate abortion doula services.

What’s a Full Spectrum Doula?

A Full Spectrum Doula takes a comprehensive approach to doula care that acknowledges and supports individuals and families through a wide range of reproductive experiences. A full spectrum doula recognizes that pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journeys can encompass a diverse set of outcomes, including but not limited to birth, miscarriage, abortion, surrogacy, adoption, and fertility struggles.

These doulas are trained and committed to providing non-judgmental, compassionate, and inclusive support to individuals and their families, irrespective of their choices or outcomes. They understand that each person's reproductive experience is unique, and they tailor their services to meet the specific needs and desires of their clients.

Full spectrum doulas offer emotional, physical, and informational support throughout the entire reproductive process. They provide a safe space for individuals to express their feelings, fears, and hopes. They can offer guidance and resources to help individuals make informed decisions about their reproductive health and support them in navigating the medical system.

During pregnancy, a full spectrum doula may assist with birth planning, provide comfort measures, and offer educational resources to prepare the individual for labor and delivery. They may also provide emotional support during prenatal appointments, helping individuals advocate for their preferences and ensuring they have access to unbiased information.

In cases of miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth, a full spectrum doula offers compassionate care and helps individuals process their emotions, whether it involves grief, relief, or a mix of both. They provide comfort, support, and validation during these difficult times, honoring the individual's unique experience.

Full spectrum doulas also play a crucial role in supporting individuals and families through the postpartum period, regardless of the outcome. They can offer practical assistance with newborn care, nursing/feeding, and postpartum recovery. Additionally, they provide emotional support, actively listening to the individual's needs and concerns, and connecting them with appropriate resources and professionals if necessary.

Overall, a full spectrum doula aim to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals and families can explore their reproductive choices, find support, and feel empowered throughout their unique journeys. By offering comprehensive care and understanding, these doulas help individuals navigate the complex emotions and decisions that arise during all aspects of the reproductive process.

  • Birth Doula

  • Placenta Packages

  • Postpartum Doula

  • Birthingway Celebrations

  • Abortion Doula

  • Elder Caregiver

“Courtney supported my family through our first pregnancy and delivery. She was gracious enough to learn the Hypnobabies® method which was my chosen plan. We started with some practice sessions at our house in our last few weeks of pregnancy, and she was very gracious in helping my husband and I to feel “prepared” for our journey to come. She was a wonderful, comforting energy during our birthing time and we were grateful for her every step of the way. By the time our daughter made her entrance, Courtney had been “on duty” with us for over 30 hours! Not once did she act fatigued, only support and presence was received. I would highly recommend her for anyone looking to establish a doula relationship.”

— Client 2021

“We were beyond impressed and grateful to have your support and stamina side-by-side with us as we brought our daughter into this dimension. You’re clearly wonderful at nurturing and supporting families naturally <3

Also the pictures you took are AMAZING! All the emotions looking through the collection… Thank you so much for capturing these life changing moments, and for being a touchstone for us during the challenging moments.”

— Client 2021

The blog.

Birth Plans.

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Self Care.

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Birth Bag Checklist.

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